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Email Initiatives Primer

Fact Sheet:
Advenix VisualSubject Market Tests

Overview: Advenix today introduced VisualSubject (see release), a graphical "billboard" that drops down from the email subject line. In an initial test with email hosting company Everyone.net, a total of 5.6 million emails were sent out in nine separate mailings. Each mailing was split into two groups, half receiving the email with the Advenix VisualSubject graphic billboard, and half receiving the regular email. The results showed that emails with VisualSubject significantly increased response, by an average of 27 percent in click-throughs and 41 percent in overall conversions or sales.

Campaign Results: Two trial email ad flights were conducted with SendTec Inc. (www.sendtec.com) clients PeoplePC and Cosmetique. Half the recipients received the standard email ad, and the other half received the same email incorporating the VisualSubject drop-down billboard. The sales conversion rate for the Cosmetique email with VisualSubject was 50 percent higher than the same email without VisualSubject, and the sales conversion rates for People PC emails carrying VisualSubject doubled.

"This technology is an excellent bridge from conventional email advertising into rich media," says Beth Kostreva, online media buyer and planner for SendTec, St. Petersburg, Fla. SendTec is a multi-channel, search-driven marketing company that represents clients in the consumer goods, travel, computer technology and financial services industries. "The drop-down billboard is unique. It really grabs people's attention."

San Francisco-based Bleu Marketing Solutions Inc. (www.bleumarketing.com), which represents well-known computer hardware, financial services, and food and gift specialty brands, conducted a similar trial on behalf of one of its clients. According to Bleu Marketing Account Executive Ryan Leichter, the VisualSubject emails received almost twice as many click-throughs as the standard emails. The emails carrying the VisualSubject drop-down billboards enjoyed a conversion rate that was 30 percent higher than the regular emails.

Demo: http://www.advenix.com/visualsubject

Contact: press@advenix.com

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